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I have been a happy user of NetVibes for two years, using it for reading news, storing bookmarks, accessing web storage, tracking stock prices, maintaining notes and a TODO list, and whatnot. But, like before, I've decided to switch to Google, this time their Reader.
It was a pretty easy decision. While I still like the functionality of NetVibes, using it has been a pita in the new office, where there are always connection problems. The way NetVibes is implemented, each "widget" has to grab its content independently. Since I have like 40 widgets, poor connections mean I always have a few widgets malfunction. I noticed I have been spending more time reloading than actually reading news...
As a side benefit of Google Reader, I also get to accumulate unread news over time, which are lost in NetVibes. So next time I'm on a trip for a few days, I won't miss the news of, say, Microsoft's acquisition of Yahoo.
It was a pretty easy decision. While I still like the functionality of NetVibes, using it has been a pita in the new office, where there are always connection problems. The way NetVibes is implemented, each "widget" has to grab its content independently. Since I have like 40 widgets, poor connections mean I always have a few widgets malfunction. I noticed I have been spending more time reloading than actually reading news...
As a side benefit of Google Reader, I also get to accumulate unread news over time, which are lost in NetVibes. So next time I'm on a trip for a few days, I won't miss the news of, say, Microsoft's acquisition of Yahoo.