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Ideal Keyboard
If you know me (let alone obsessed with me), you'd know that I hate M$ as much as the next guy and probably more. But I still give them credit when it is due, and in this case for creating the keyboard that I love so much.
I am talking about their Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (don't ask me why 2000), to me the best keyboard money can buy.
First, a little background. I take keyboards seriously, and it is the only one component I always look for upgrading to make myself more comfortable. While I can type at a reasonable speed, I never type in a "proper" way. Therefore, I am never comfortable with the ergonomic keyboards from M$. My previous keyboard, as some of you may find surprising, was a cheap Memorex one I got from Fry's, just because it had the best reactive buttons.
That's until I found CCK2000. I can now comfortably place my hands, without being told on which key should be pressed by which hand. It has very soft keys. It blows away even the keyboard in my Thinkpad. As added bonuses, its spill-resistant design prevents milktea mishaps, and ultra-thin design makes my hand more comfortable putting on top of it.
Of course, being M$, they have to screw up good things. I wanted to get a wireless version for use at home (I'm using this one in office right now). Most I could find come only with a primitive mouse or made from very cheap materials. The Wireless Laser Desktop 6000 version 2 finally improved to be good enough, but there are plenty of complains on the wireless connectivity. What about the next version? They have suddenly changed their mind and make it an "entertainment combo." On top of the hefty price, they also removed the keypad, probably to make it smaller as a remote control for an entertainment center (?). So despite having 7 versions available (not counting discontinued versions), I can't find a good one that I want to buy, even at a premium price. Horray...
I am talking about their Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (don't ask me why 2000), to me the best keyboard money can buy.

That's until I found CCK2000. I can now comfortably place my hands, without being told on which key should be pressed by which hand. It has very soft keys. It blows away even the keyboard in my Thinkpad. As added bonuses, its spill-resistant design prevents milktea mishaps, and ultra-thin design makes my hand more comfortable putting on top of it.
Of course, being M$, they have to screw up good things. I wanted to get a wireless version for use at home (I'm using this one in office right now). Most I could find come only with a primitive mouse or made from very cheap materials. The Wireless Laser Desktop 6000 version 2 finally improved to be good enough, but there are plenty of complains on the wireless connectivity. What about the next version? They have suddenly changed their mind and make it an "entertainment combo." On top of the hefty price, they also removed the keypad, probably to make it smaller as a remote control for an entertainment center (?). So despite having 7 versions available (not counting discontinued versions), I can't find a good one that I want to buy, even at a premium price. Horray...