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Reading back my blog, I guess I've been a bit unreasonably harsh on Tor. We are talking about a program that requires a large amount of (processor and I/O) resources, particularly on my 7 years old desktop machine. After I have given it more resources, it has now been running solidly for two days.
When it starts to really run, the actual fun begins. The first is a complaint from the country I didn't get to go to. They have some web sites hosted in Germany that were under a distributed DoS attack. Apparently they have received expensive queries over the web "that costs money" and emphasize, in their email, that "We haven't valued how much this attack will costyet" [sic].
But the best part I like about their mail is that "As this ip is owned by Rice University , Rice University is responsible of the attack." Oh, don't sue me, I'm scared. I'll need to pay for their "damage!" Yeah right. Of course, the reason that I can enjoy receiving this kind of emails is that I'm behind a tenured professor. I don't even need to response.
When it starts to really run, the actual fun begins. The first is a complaint from the country I didn't get to go to. They have some web sites hosted in Germany that were under a distributed DoS attack. Apparently they have received expensive queries over the web "that costs money" and emphasize, in their email, that "We haven't valued how much this attack will costyet" [sic].
But the best part I like about their mail is that "As this ip is owned by Rice University , Rice University is responsible of the attack." Oh, don't sue me, I'm scared. I'll need to pay for their "damage!" Yeah right. Of course, the reason that I can enjoy receiving this kind of emails is that I'm behind a tenured professor. I don't even need to response.