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I have finally got this book that I have wanted to read for a long time: Turing, by Christos Papadimitriou. A novel that is by a theoretical computer scientist, is funny, contains "Turing" in the title, has something to do with Hong Kong, is recommended by Knuth, describes the halting problem and how RSA works, and contains proofs on, among others, real numbers are not countable. I mean, What else can you ask for in a love novel?
But sadly, before I can read it, I should probably first finish cover to cover another book Economics and the Theory of Games, by Fernando Vega-Redondo, as it seems to be the most relevant book in the library for my research. After all, I still have the intention to decide a direction and finish my dissertation.
And oh, by the way, it seems that both books are prepared in LATEX.
But sadly, before I can read it, I should probably first finish cover to cover another book Economics and the Theory of Games, by Fernando Vega-Redondo, as it seems to be the most relevant book in the library for my research. After all, I still have the intention to decide a direction and finish my dissertation.
And oh, by the way, it seems that both books are prepared in LATEX.
Labels: hk