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It doesn't necessarily stand for a person's family name. It could also mean... YAODBAT, or Yet Another One-Day Bay Area Trip. And I hate these, especially when there are weather issues at both Bay Area and LA airports, making me arriving at LA airport four hours after arriving SFO.
This was for visiting a newly acquired office. It was almost a non-stop meeting from 11 to 5. We have developed a lot of their technologies before the acquisition, and we were there to share with them. And the worst part is, the people there are probably mostly millionaires, unlike me, due to the acquisition...
This was for visiting a newly acquired office. It was almost a non-stop meeting from 11 to 5. We have developed a lot of their technologies before the acquisition, and we were there to share with them. And the worst part is, the people there are probably mostly millionaires, unlike me, due to the acquisition...
Labels: work