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Weight Target
It looks like I'm getting closer. I did a body composition test yesterday at my dietitian's, and I am only 15 lbs over my ideal weight. Assuming I could build some more muscles in the process, I would only need to get down 10 lbs. I have come through a long way, since I believe I am already at least 25 fewer lbs than at my peak.
It also made me realized that I've been too impatient. I always try to finish my exercise at around 30-35 mins, and I usually run on treadmill until I can't breath anymore, but I should start doing longer and less intensive exercise.
It also made me realized that I've been too impatient. I always try to finish my exercise at around 30-35 mins, and I usually run on treadmill until I can't breath anymore, but I should start doing longer and less intensive exercise.