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Apple Juice
I was walking passed a Robeks Juice the other day, when I've decided to order a medium apple juice. It gets me thinking if they could get much profit, as I saw them using 5 apples for a drink that costs just over $3--I couldn't get that many apples from the grocery store at this price.
But any goodwill is gone immediately, as I observed how they prepared the juice. Both of the two employees there prepared the drink together (the junior one seems to be confused as to how to make fresh juice and tried to get something from the drinking fountain; I take that as too few people ordering fresh juice there). While both of them wear gloves on their left hands to give a false sense of cleanness, they used their left hands to operate the juicer, and used their bare right hands to grab apples...
But any goodwill is gone immediately, as I observed how they prepared the juice. Both of the two employees there prepared the drink together (the junior one seems to be confused as to how to make fresh juice and tried to get something from the drinking fountain; I take that as too few people ordering fresh juice there). While both of them wear gloves on their left hands to give a false sense of cleanness, they used their left hands to operate the juicer, and used their bare right hands to grab apples...