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Thesis Writing
My first draft is done. After many years of "research," things are finally put together for a thesis in just a couple of weeks. Of course, it consists mostly of crap. And as an example, I am including the final two sentences here for your enjoyment.
Exactly. These are just the nonsense bold claims that I don't even believe anyone would buy. But it doesn't matter, as long as this is done and I can go on with my life.
After weeks of painful writing, though, it is probably time for me to comment a bit on writing. In general, my systems papers are much harder to write than my theory papers. This is because it is hard to justify designing and simulating systems when they don't seem to be real or practical. You still have to justify when writing theory papers; however, you usually just need to link them to some applications, and it suffices as long as the solution itself is interesting enough...
The model and designs in this thesis provide peer-to-peer system designers, developers, and administrators suggestions and directions to handle freeloaders in their networks, as well as an arsenal of mechanisms for them to implement. With freeloaders taken care of, this removes the largest stumbling block for peer-to-peer applications to live up to their full potential.
After weeks of painful writing, though, it is probably time for me to comment a bit on writing. In general, my systems papers are much harder to write than my theory papers. This is because it is hard to justify designing and simulating systems when they don't seem to be real or practical. You still have to justify when writing theory papers; however, you usually just need to link them to some applications, and it suffices as long as the solution itself is interesting enough...