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Motorola Sucks

I am never going to buy another Motorola product, especially mobile phones, again.

While function-wise my Moto Q does everything I expected it to do, it does nothing exceptional. Windows Mobile is horrible. It makes the phone so slow it is only marginally acceptable. The battery life is a joke, as often it cannot last for one day with moderate web surfing.

But the worst of all, it dies randomly. And by that, I mean all of a sudden it just refuses to reboot. This is what happened to me today. I spent hours figuring out what's the problem and how to fix it. Turns out, it is a well known problem, and many units, if not most, are with this defect. I even lost all my data when I tried a master reset (and how can such a buggy hardware comes without a reset button!?).

Anyway, after some effort, it is working again now. God knows when it will die again, and if I could revive it again. For the remaining 21 months that I am still going to be in contract with Sprint, I can only hope...

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