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Worst. Game. Ever.
Reviewing games seems to be a kind of ideal job, where the daily activities seems to include having fun with the latest games for the good ones and writing sarcastic remarks for the bad ones. But, like any other "ideal" jobs, they seem to be so great only because we don't always get to see the down sides of their work.
Random browsing brought me to a review of a game that many say is the worst game ever: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Reading the review would give you an impression of the helplessness of game reviewers, but you have to actually seeing how poor they are in a review video. I couldn't help but laughed for 3 straight minutes...
Random browsing brought me to a review of a game that many say is the worst game ever: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Reading the review would give you an impression of the helplessness of game reviewers, but you have to actually seeing how poor they are in a review video. I couldn't help but laughed for 3 straight minutes...
Labels: game