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AmEx Wishlist Hatred
I'll say it again here. I know American Express is doing us a favor by offering the My Wishlist, and I am grateful to that even though I couldn't win any discounted product. But they really need to improve in multiple departments.
The first dumbness is mailing Overstock certificates with a generic URL. Of course that URL would be posted on every single deal site under the sun, and of course it would be abused by thousands, if not millions. I am ok with them disabling the URL and send me a one-time use instead, but why on earth do they need to shorten the use time from more than a month to 3 days? That completely destroyed my purchasing plan.
Worse, I still haven't got my Toysrus certificate I won 18 days ago. I just called, and they told me that they haven't even shipped it. My sister won the certificate later than me and she got it last week. There are plenty of people getting it a couple days after winning it. I would be fine if it were logistic issue and no one could have the certificate soon, but I can't take on this kind of unfairness. Particularly when the $100 gift card Xbox promotion is ending Sunday, and the next shipment of Wii is the day after tomorrow...
The good feeling I got for this whole promotion has completely gone. Time will tell if it turns into hatred.
The first dumbness is mailing Overstock certificates with a generic URL. Of course that URL would be posted on every single deal site under the sun, and of course it would be abused by thousands, if not millions. I am ok with them disabling the URL and send me a one-time use instead, but why on earth do they need to shorten the use time from more than a month to 3 days? That completely destroyed my purchasing plan.
Worse, I still haven't got my Toysrus certificate I won 18 days ago. I just called, and they told me that they haven't even shipped it. My sister won the certificate later than me and she got it last week. There are plenty of people getting it a couple days after winning it. I would be fine if it were logistic issue and no one could have the certificate soon, but I can't take on this kind of unfairness. Particularly when the $100 gift card Xbox promotion is ending Sunday, and the next shipment of Wii is the day after tomorrow...
The good feeling I got for this whole promotion has completely gone. Time will tell if it turns into hatred.