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If you didn't have the chance the experience it, it is hard to believe the difference in weather between Los Angeles and Houston, despite their closeness in latitude. Whatever I say, you'd think that I'm exaggerating, so let's see what someone else would say. Let's introduce Casey Jacobsen, a new Houston Rockets player who grew up in L.A., and stayed in Bay Area and Spain (emphasis mine). An extract from his journal:
I'm trying to enjoy Houston more and more. The weather is unlike anything I have ever seen in my entire life. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, which is one of the best weather cities in all of the U.S. and then I went to school in Northern California at Stanford. So I was spoiled. When I walk out of my apartment in Houston, it just feels like no one has opened any windows. I immediately start sweating. My shirts stick to me constantly when I get out my car and I'm constantly wiping sweat off my face. The weather out here is 20 percent chance of good weather and 80 percent chance of me losing five pounds.