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Little Blue Card
Symantec has a policy for employees in Santa Monica that if they don't drive to work, they get $40 each month. Sounds like a good deal for me.
Here comes Big Blue Bus. They have a store value card with a very cute name, Little Blue Card. It saves me an additional 5 cents per trip.
When I used my Little Blue Card today, the driver asked me a question that I could hardly imagine being asked. She asked if I'm paying the adult fare. Since I believe that I didn't look disabled or as old as 62, the only possible fare is the one for college students up to 20. No doubt, I look young, particularly with my backpack, but saying that I look like 20...
I was so thrilled that I missed my stop, ended up walking 20 minutes to my home.
Here comes Big Blue Bus. They have a store value card with a very cute name, Little Blue Card. It saves me an additional 5 cents per trip.
When I used my Little Blue Card today, the driver asked me a question that I could hardly imagine being asked. She asked if I'm paying the adult fare. Since I believe that I didn't look disabled or as old as 62, the only possible fare is the one for college students up to 20. No doubt, I look young, particularly with my backpack, but saying that I look like 20...
I was so thrilled that I missed my stop, ended up walking 20 minutes to my home.