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Crap -> $$$? $_$
With the crap-selling event cooling down, now it is time to see what happened.
- A (probably unsurprisingly) large number of interested buyers are Chinese. A common problem for many of them is that they used Chinese mail accounts (Yahoo China) or put their Chinese names and signatures into the emails. That easily triggers DSPAM into quarantining them.
- A lot of people just sent me an email saying that they are interested in this and that, and then don't reply my emails anymore. Maybe that has something to do with spam filters too? Even so, at least they should have checked their spam folder.
- A guy called to ask about my stuff. He spoke Szechuanese with me. Or maybe Mandarin with words pronounced in Szechuanese, I don't know. It was very hard to understand what he says (and he had a lot of questions, too). Anyway, no complain here, as he came after calling and bought stuff, unlike many others.
- The same guy took an hour to locate my unit after finding my apartment. This is despite the fact that I have told him my unit is very close to the Shipley Donut in the intersection.
- Maybe I have put too high a price tag on many items, especially computer accessories. Probably need to have another discount sale, before a "garage" sale at the end.