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Very Busy
I've been extremely busy. Three World Cup games a day, plus the NBA Final, that's too much to watch. Too poor to pay for cable, I need to watch the World Cup on a Spanish channel. The first time I really wish I knew Spanish. The only two things I can understand are that they shout "goal" for 2 mins after each goal and when a player dribbling in a dangerous area they will keep shouting the player's name.
Despite being busy, I still find time to track visitors. One thing I noticed is that I have a visitor from Symantec. Looks like someone sent him/her a link to my blog. I don't think I put anything here that would displease people from Symantec, but you never know. Would I become another guy got fired from blogging?
Despite being busy, I still find time to track visitors. One thing I noticed is that I have a visitor from Symantec. Looks like someone sent him/her a link to my blog. I don't think I put anything here that would displease people from Symantec, but you never know. Would I become another guy got fired from blogging?