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There are only seven things between me and my graduation. The seven items in my TODO list.
Yes, I have passed my proposal. According to my boss, the proposal is basically a contract. A contract between me and my committee on what I am supposed to do before they would grant me a doctorate. So once I finish the list...
Of course, there are some marginally interesting stuff, like
Yes, I have passed my proposal. According to my boss, the proposal is basically a contract. A contract between me and my committee on what I am supposed to do before they would grant me a doctorate. So once I finish the list...
Of course, there are some marginally interesting stuff, like
- The attendance, other than my committee, is 0. ZERO! Probably something to do with World Cup, summer, and 9am start time.
- The Economics professor was actually helping me to answer questions instead of asking me economic questions that I have no chance to answer correctly.
- I had to sit down for half of the talk because the speaker phone was not too clear.
- The phone disconnected in the middle (my phone card sucks). I didn't know until the phone ringed.
- I missed a pretty exciting World Cup game between Italy and Australia. So does one of my committee members.