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Interview Summary
It's been a while since I made up my career decision, so I think I'm cooled off to summarize a few interesting things in my job search.
- The maximum difference in base salary for all my offer is 42K. That's twice what I'm earning now.
- The minimum base salary is, unsurprisingly, from the convicted monopolist.
- The best benefit is, again unsurprisingly, from the nonevil company. A rough estimate is that I can save 4K per year on food alone.
- There is also a large variance in how the HR people handle my case. When I decline their offer, some kept playing mind games with me; some just asked for my reason; others just said "good luck."
- Most places I interviewed accept and appreciate who I am; the only exception is the Colored Giant, which tried to convert me into something I am not.
- Same goes to working environment. I can see myself enjoy working in all but the same one, as the place is too political and people are too arrogant.
- All places I interviewed, except Seattle, have direct flights to Hong Kong.
- I have an unforgettable start date in Sep 11.