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Firefox 2.0
I've upgraded. Not exactly to 2.0, but an alpha release called Bon Echo. It is noticeably faster, particularly for page rendering and when you open a new window or several new tabs through bookmark. It also seems to have much less memory leaks. Maybe I can finally leave it running all day long without restarting.
I can upgrade now because the most important extension, Adblock Plus, has finally upgraded to be compatible with it. I have also updated the other extension I can't live without, rsremover, to be compatible.
Actually, I didn't exactly upgrade to Bon Echo. I just installed the portable version and keep 1.5 around. There are still some sites Bon Echo would crash. One of them is Yahoo Mail...
I can upgrade now because the most important extension, Adblock Plus, has finally upgraded to be compatible with it. I have also updated the other extension I can't live without, rsremover, to be compatible.
Actually, I didn't exactly upgrade to Bon Echo. I just installed the portable version and keep 1.5 around. There are still some sites Bon Echo would crash. One of them is Yahoo Mail...