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Homepage Visitor
In case you still don't know, I do track on visitors to my real homepage and this blog. Once a while, I can see something interesting from there.
Like this time, I see a visitor from a company that has its name similar to an acidity measurement scale. There is no "referrer" to the link, so it looks like someone typed my homepage URL in their browser. Not totally surprising, given that I have applied for a research position there that has a job description that seems to be completely matching my research. Anyway, what's scary is that it seems to be from a Netscape 3 browser. To contrast, out of the over 1,500 unique visits to my homepage, only 7 of them are from Netscape 3, while 5 from Netscape 4...
It may not be not what it looks, after all. Their reported operating system is "others." So it is possible that someone is behind some privacy proxies, like Privoxy, and hide their user-agent (i.e., browser type). But another scary possibility would be the fact that since this company also has its own brand of Unix...
Like this time, I see a visitor from a company that has its name similar to an acidity measurement scale. There is no "referrer" to the link, so it looks like someone typed my homepage URL in their browser. Not totally surprising, given that I have applied for a research position there that has a job description that seems to be completely matching my research. Anyway, what's scary is that it seems to be from a Netscape 3 browser. To contrast, out of the over 1,500 unique visits to my homepage, only 7 of them are from Netscape 3, while 5 from Netscape 4...
It may not be not what it looks, after all. Their reported operating system is "others." So it is possible that someone is behind some privacy proxies, like Privoxy, and hide their user-agent (i.e., browser type). But another scary possibility would be the fact that since this company also has its own brand of Unix...