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Can't endure the boredom of writing statements anymore, I finally resort to this game, LF2, again. It is a pretty old game not being updated anymore, but is just the right thing when I want to kill someone. I especially like the battle mode. I would choose a character to be the only guy in a team, against another team with 30+ men. I feel like I have accomplished a lot when I kill them all.
True, it may not be as impressive as students working on a class competition, or making a game in less than 7 days, but what's the most important is that the game must be fun, and LF2 just got it.
True, it may not be as impressive as students working on a class competition, or making a game in less than 7 days, but what's the most important is that the game must be fun, and LF2 just got it.
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How about using the time to watch a episode of Seinfeld instead =) You see, no one can help you getting the blog popular besides yourself
That's not true. You can post a link to my blog from your homepage. Better yet, redirect your homepage to my blog.
But more importantly, you can just click my ads and buy from Amazon through my link. If you do enough, I won't need more visitors...
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But more importantly, you can just click my ads and buy from Amazon through my link. If you do enough, I won't need more visitors...
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