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I desperately need a haircut, again.
For what it's worth, I have curly hair, thanks to my parents. I hate it, as it makes my hair unmanageable even when it is slightly long.
My philosophy of haircuts is to minimize the times it is required while not looking terribly awkward/disgusting without taking care of it, thus saving time and money (which translate into money and more money). When I have haircuts, I usually call for this "optimal length." But because of this cruel curly nature, I can't stay without haircuts for more than three months.
I know, I've wasted you quite some time reading this meaningless entry. All I'm trying to say is sorry for my hair, but I'm not going to have a haircut until probably before my interview with the colored giant, which is probably not some time very soon.
For what it's worth, I have curly hair, thanks to my parents. I hate it, as it makes my hair unmanageable even when it is slightly long.
My philosophy of haircuts is to minimize the times it is required while not looking terribly awkward/disgusting without taking care of it, thus saving time and money (which translate into money and more money). When I have haircuts, I usually call for this "optimal length." But because of this cruel curly nature, I can't stay without haircuts for more than three months.
I know, I've wasted you quite some time reading this meaningless entry. All I'm trying to say is sorry for my hair, but I'm not going to have a haircut until probably before my interview with the colored giant, which is probably not some time very soon.