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I don't quite get this about the French. Here, nearly all the restaurants open for dinner at or after 7pm. Is it because no French ever want to eat before 7pm? I know someone who always have dinner at 5:45pm. How would they survive in France?
Speaking of food, of course, restaurant time. This time, I want to talk about this "Japanese" restaurant Osakatori near my hotel. Their decoration makes them look authentic, and they always greet you with Japanese. But I started feeling suspicious when I got the soup, which is Chinese pork soup (老火豬骨湯). Then things became more apparent when they speak Chinese. What's interesting, though, was that my sushi combo comes with a bowl of rice, which I never see in any Japanese restaurant elsewhere. So I ended up eating pieces of sushi (fish and rice) followed by more rice... A weird experience.
Speaking of food, of course, restaurant time. This time, I want to talk about this "Japanese" restaurant Osakatori near my hotel. Their decoration makes them look authentic, and they always greet you with Japanese. But I started feeling suspicious when I got the soup, which is Chinese pork soup (老火豬骨湯). Then things became more apparent when they speak Chinese. What's interesting, though, was that my sushi combo comes with a bowl of rice, which I never see in any Japanese restaurant elsewhere. So I ended up eating pieces of sushi (fish and rice) followed by more rice... A weird experience.