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Europe is Done
So finally, the European part of the trip is ending. Looking back at the trip, I have learned exactly one word in German and one word in French: "cheer" is bye in German and "messy" is thank you in French. Not what you would typically think of hearing those words.
At least I learned one more thing in this trip. This is, I don't want to live in a place where English is not the single major language. That basically means no only the "old Europe" countries like France or Germany, but I have also just ruled out applying for Switzerland (EPFL and ETH) and Quebec (McGill)...
At least I learned one more thing in this trip. This is, I don't want to live in a place where English is not the single major language. That basically means no only the "old Europe" countries like France or Germany, but I have also just ruled out applying for Switzerland (EPFL and ETH) and Quebec (McGill)...