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I need to prepare a lot for traveling lately. It also made me realize that, while the HR people in the convicted monopoly are jerksnot the best people to deal with, at least they made the interview process worry-free. Everything is paid for, and I've got tickets for paying cabs. For the interview with the non-evil company, I'd have to sign for NDA, have to pay for hotel and car rental upfront and wait for reimbursement, and cab is not even an option! So I have to drive in the state with the most maniacs... Not to mention that they will reimburse only less than half what the other would for meals and pay less for mileages.
Guess I shouldn't complain. That's nothing comparing to the Europe trip, where I'd need to figure out how to get from the Frankfurt airport to Saarbruecken to my hotel, and then to MPI, and get to Grenoble in a car... And I'll insist on not driving; I'm not ready to drive in Europe yet.
Guess I shouldn't complain. That's nothing comparing to the Europe trip, where I'd need to figure out how to get from the Frankfurt airport to Saarbruecken to my hotel, and then to MPI, and get to Grenoble in a car... And I'll insist on not driving; I'm not ready to drive in Europe yet.