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Travel Plan
Since I am going to France for Middleware in November, it is natural for me to see if I could exploit it and save money and/or travel time going to Hong Kong on the same trip. During the search, I've uncovered the following facts:
- To fly from France to Hong Kong with Continental, you have to stop at New York.
- Despite the fact that Continental has code-share with Air France, you can't fly Air France to Hong Kong.
- If you want to fly Air France all the way instead, the trip from Hong Kong back to Houston has to stop at Paris.
- The lady answering phone calls in Cantonese in Continental has not heard of Lyon; in fact, she thinks Paris is the only city in France.
- It is cheaper to buy the trip Houston → Lyon → New York → Hong Kong → Houston or two separate trips Houston → Lyon → New York and New York → Hong Kong → Houston, than the more natural trip of Houston → Lyon → Hong Kong → Houston, even though they have exactly the same flights.
- This trip, alone, suffices elite status in Continental.