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Las Vegas, NV → Reno, NV
The route for this day first passes through some native American territory. Other than the souvenirs they sell, one thing I noticed is that they make pretty good milkshake... Try them if you have the chance to drive through the desert in Nevada.
Speaking of desert, it was also the most dangerous part of the trip. A large part of the "state highway" there has only one lane each way. There are, as usual, some slow trucks around. The only way to pass them is to go to the opposite lane and accelerate. All this has to be done in a short time, because there can be vehicles coming from the opposite direction at a relative speed of 160+mph... Certainly that wasn't a lovely experience.
But that is still not the worst part of the day. The stupidest and potentially the deadliest mistake of the trip was to follow the route suggested by Microsoft Streets & Trips (which they would send you a copy if you are going to work for them). In the desert, it suggested us to go from a state highway to a local road (Gabbs Pole Line Rd) and then a state road...
What's wrong with that? First, there's no sign on the road, so you can never be sure whether you're on the right road (!). Then, the road hits an open ranch area, where there are cattle and buffalos on the road (!!). But the best has yet to come: After 10 miles or so, there's a sign saying "No pavement ahead." (!!!) What? It isn't even a paved road? Only sand? Of course, it ended up in the middle of nowhere (picture taken when there was still "pavement")...

Two hours wasted on trying that route and coming back to reroute using state highways... Of course, I can't blame anyone. After all these years, I should have learned better than to rely on M$ for crucial things...
Speaking of desert, it was also the most dangerous part of the trip. A large part of the "state highway" there has only one lane each way. There are, as usual, some slow trucks around. The only way to pass them is to go to the opposite lane and accelerate. All this has to be done in a short time, because there can be vehicles coming from the opposite direction at a relative speed of 160+mph... Certainly that wasn't a lovely experience.
But that is still not the worst part of the day. The stupidest and potentially the deadliest mistake of the trip was to follow the route suggested by Microsoft Streets & Trips (which they would send you a copy if you are going to work for them). In the desert, it suggested us to go from a state highway to a local road (Gabbs Pole Line Rd) and then a state road...
What's wrong with that? First, there's no sign on the road, so you can never be sure whether you're on the right road (!). Then, the road hits an open ranch area, where there are cattle and buffalos on the road (!!). But the best has yet to come: After 10 miles or so, there's a sign saying "No pavement ahead." (!!!) What? It isn't even a paved road? Only sand? Of course, it ended up in the middle of nowhere (picture taken when there was still "pavement")...

Labels: road trip