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Yet another application
This one is as lazy as the last one, not bothering to personalize each spam he is sending. I don't know how other people take this, but I would rather not to have him be sincerely mine...
Dear Professor,
I am presently a third year 'Mathematics and Scientific Computing' Undergraduate pursuing a five-year Master of Science program at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India's premier technological institution. In the summer vacations that follow, I wish to do a project in the field of Algorithms and Data Stucture under your guidance. Being a keen student of Mathematics my research interest also centers on it.
In the three years of my stay here at IIT Kanpur, I have done various professional courses related to algebra,computing and algorithms which give me a reasonable background (see the CV attached herewith). I have a strong background of mathematics and computing (C, C++, and Java). I am confident that if given a chance I would really work hard to do full justice with the work assigned to me.
I am attaching my curriculum vitae along with this application. Kindly have a look at the professional courses I have done so far and the projects I have been involved in. Let me know the chances of getting a project/internship under you .Even if you don't have a project, please refer me to some of your colleagues who are involved in some research. If needed, I would be glad to make some additional information and references available to you.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
With best regards,
Sincerely yours
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)
Kanpur, INDIA