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Spams to Professor
I know that as professors people receive a lot of school application spams. I've received some although I'm still a student (people just don't bother to check whether you're actually a professor). But sometimes things could get more funny. I've even received an internship application, even though I'm personally looking for one... Can't help but have to post it here.
Dear Dr.Tsuen-Wan Johnny Ngan,I suppose I should just reply and say something like "Sorry I don't have enough funding to support you. Meanwhile, can you accept me as an intern? I am willing to relocate to India to work under you..." But then, professors usually just don't reply to these emails. And as a "professor", I should do the same...
I am a 3rd year undergraduate student in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kanpur, India. I am on the look out for a challenging and creative summer internship during the period May to July'05 that would allow me to hone my skills in my areas of interest and also add on to my existing knowledge and curiosity in those areas.
My areas of interest include Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Algorithm Optimization and I have done relevant courses (three in econoomics) and projects at myhome university,the details of which you can find in my resume attached with this mail. My devotion and commitment towards my work and ability to complete the assigned job in allotted time would help me to do justice to any project that I am assigned. I have worked in various team situations with good results and relish managerial responsibilities along with academic ones.
I read your paper "Performance guarantee for EDF under overload" and found it very interesting. I would like to do project under your supervision Given a chance, I would be displaying exemplary dedication and utmost sincerity towards the work assigned to me and would also be doing a sufficient level of homework on the work that i am expected to do before coming to work under you. In anticipation of a positive reply from your side,
Yours sincerely,
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
3rd year, Bachelors of Technology, X-000/Xxxx-0
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
resume.pdf 55K
There is this workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability in June in Japan, as part of DSN. Hmm... I wouldn't mind to submit some crap there to visit Japan in the summer...
Wait, the deadline is... tomorrow!
Wait, the deadline is... tomorrow!
Oh my Mac Mini
I really thought that I'm going to get a Mac mini, but it turned out I am going to stuck with my old desktop at home...
Long story short, I've been have problems of random rebooting on my old desktop, particularly when I'm playing games. I've been so fed up with it, I thought that I'm really going to do something with it (read: throw it away and get a Mac mini). Before that, I opened the case to have a look, and realized that it was overheating just because of the dust on the CPU fan... I wanted to post a nice picture here, but I have lent my camera to a friend for the weekend. Too bad you cannot see my clout of dust here...
Long story short, I've been have problems of random rebooting on my old desktop, particularly when I'm playing games. I've been so fed up with it, I thought that I'm really going to do something with it (read: throw it away and get a Mac mini). Before that, I opened the case to have a look, and realized that it was overheating just because of the dust on the CPU fan... I wanted to post a nice picture here, but I have lent my camera to a friend for the weekend. Too bad you cannot see my clout of dust here...
I'm still alive...
Just didn't bother to update my blog, for the lack of interesting stuff happened in the last 10 days. This clarification is important, since the lack of updates and my last blog entry would likely lead you into thinking about something...
If I suddenly disappear...
Don't worry, probably I'd have just died in my office. The desktop of my officemate is getting louder by days. It might be the fan, I don't know, but I won't be surprised if it explodes some day...
Conquering the World
It's happening, and no one can stop them now. No, I'm not talking about those idiots considering invading Iran. It's Google. It's a destiny for them to take over the world, one product at a time. Every time they release something new, I switch to their service immediately. The latest territory? Google maps. How can they make maps so clear and so easy to use?
Year of Rooster
So happy new year. Not a good year to get married for some people, since there is no "start of spring" this year. Guys, hang on for one year!
A day in the park
I was in the Hermann Park the other day (Outdoors! Scary!), and took the following picture of a mother duck with its children...
The mother wants to bring her children down to the pool for the first time.
Houston, we have a little problem!
Crap, it's too high!
Meanwhile, there were two mean ladies with a stupid dog walked by. The dog seemed to want to play with the little ducks, making their mother extremely annoyed and nervous. That two ladies refused to move the dog away, even under the advice by people around... End of story.

The mother wants to bring her children down to the pool for the first time.

Houston, we have a little problem!

Crap, it's too high!

Meanwhile, there were two mean ladies with a stupid dog walked by. The dog seemed to want to play with the little ducks, making their mother extremely annoyed and nervous. That two ladies refused to move the dog away, even under the advice by people around... End of story.
WMSCI 2005
Have you received any email about the very famous World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics? Well, don't think that it is a crappy conference just because it spams; in fact, there are some "quality" submissions. For example, "Professor" David Mazières has an extremely intrinsic submission this year. It is the best paper I've read for quite some time, and certainly the very first paper that I agree with every single line of it.
P.S. I would recommand you not to drink anything while reading this paper.
P.S. I would recommand you not to drink anything while reading this paper.
Be nice
When you're nice to other people, they'll sometimes be nice to you. When you agree to review a paper for some people, they'll sometimes give you an opportunity for an interview...
Gmail expanding
Looks like Gmail has finally accelerated its expanding rate. I just realized that I have 50 invitations now, instead of the usually limit of 6. Make me wonder why people can still sell Gmail accounts...