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Dissertation Direction

While I have submitted a thesis title, I still have no idea on what exactly I would be doing. Not even the big direction. The only certain thing is that it would be related to p2p systems and incentives. The way I see it, there are four different possible directions:
  1. Pure economic, game-theoretic type of analysis. Pro: Would look nice as "serious" work. Con: Probably I won't be able to get the happy bit from the economist to graduate in 1.5 years.
  2. Use economic analysis as foundations and prove properties similar to competitive analysis in theoretical computer science. An example here (pdf). Pro: Just need basic economics knowledge and I'm more familiar with these proofs. Con: My boss might not like this type of work.
  3. Modifying existing p2p applications to provide incentives. Pro: That's what I've been doing. Con: Seems not as stringent and convincing, particularly when my future job is counting on it.
  4. Design and implement a new p2p application with nice incentives properties. Pro: Could potentially look like a cool, new system, and my boss always wants me to do more implementations. Con: I don't feel like to...
So you see, this is a really tough decision for me. Drop me a line and give me some comments, if you will.

Here's a question. Shouldn't you be worrying about this about six months before your proposed date of graduation??:)
But then, it wouldn't be six months before my date of graduation any more, would it? :P
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